We welcome donations of any amount. You can choose which project you would prefer to support, you can donate to our general funds which will be used for emergencies, or you can buy a GIFT OF HOPE.
You can find details of our projects on our GET INVOLVED page.
You can purchase gifts for family or friends, or make a donation, by emailing Pam McGibbon on fountainservices@tiscali.co.uk and she will email you a catalogue of gifts for sale, plus a Gift Aid form, in case you are eligible, and a Standing Order form, if you wish to sponsor a child or granny/grandpa. You can pay by means of a cheque or BACS. You will then receive a handmade card to send to the recipient, giving them details of where and how their donated gift will be spent, plus details of their sponsored child, if this is what they have requested. They can also be put in touch with their child, if the gift is for sponsorship, so that they can write direct to the child. Sponsors and donors are kept informed about the progress of their donations. It is also possible to go and visit our school to see our work in progress.
"Education is one thing no-one can take away from you." Elin Nordegren
100% of your donation is sent directly to the project of your choice. Not one penny is deducted by us for any administration.
All the costs and projects are shown on the GET INVOLVED page. However, if you have a different suggestion as to how you would like your donation to be spent, please let us know.