A wonderful donor has provided a complete set of art equipment and tables to cater for up to 40 children at any one time. Previously, Art was not a subject that was included in the curriculum for primary schools, but in 2023, this was introduced as a mandatory subject. However, the poorest schools found it very difficult to fund all the necessary equipment for this subject to be taught properly.
Direct Link has been incredibly lucky to receive the funding to provide all the necessary art items and the children are now able to use their imagination and skills, in order to produce drawings and paintings. The children subsequently voted this subject as their favourite.
"Art offers a haven from the every day, allowing us to step into different worlds and perspectives." Eduardo Kobra
A well-known charity very kindly donated enough money to enable the school to organise the digging of a well within the campus boundary. This made a huge difference to the life of the school because, previously, water had to be carried a long distance, every day, on someone's head. When there was a drought, several years ago, before the provision of the well, Direct Link paid for a donkey and cart to go to the water source, several miles away, to bring sufficient water to the school, every day. Now, the well provides constant running water which is particularly useful for the kitchen staff when making food for so many children, each day.
Subsequently, this charity also donated funding for a fresh water tank to be installed next door to the latrines, to enable the children to wash their hands and clean their clothing.
"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water." W.H. Auden
A very generous donor has funded the installation of a barbed wire fence that completely encircles the campus, to provide more safety for the school and the children. It is not uncommon for schools to receive unwelcome visitors, often at night-time, when the children are all asleep. Direct Link has, in the past, known of the torching of a girls' dormitory, during the night, so that the children lost all their possessions and almost lost their lives, as well. One of our pupils was a survivor of this event and Direct Link provided her with replacements of her possessions. Other cases of schools being burned down have been known, when the children did not manage to escape.
"Safety doesn't happen by accident". Anon
A very generous donor has provided the retired Head Teacher's wife with modern eye-testing equipment so that she can test the sight of the grannies and grandpas, to determine what is causing their eye problems and to discover whether they have cataracts. Once cataracts have been diagnosed, the patients are taken to a local eye hospital, where they receive cataract surgery, with the costs borne by Direct Link.
"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." Helen Keller
Several years ago, a primary school in Scotland was changing its curriculum and, therefore, getting rid of many of its text books. Direct Link sent eight large boxes of books to our Kenyan school, which were sufficient to stock a whole library for all ages of children. This was a wonderfully generous donation and very gratefully received.
"Books are a uniquely portable magic." Stephen King
After the completion of the fencing of the school campus and the addition of a smart metal gate and security building at the entrance to the campus, many families realised that this was a very important school for disabled children, and they applied to have their own children taken into the school. Sadly, there was only enough room to accept five more boarding pupils, so the most vulnerable five were taken in. However, there were not enough bunks for these extra children, nor sufficient bedding. On top of that, two of the children could not walk and needed to be provided with hand-propelled tricycles. Immediately, a wonderful donation was received, that covered all these expenses.
"Let him that would move the world first move himself." Socrates
Copyright (C) 1988 Pamela McGibbon - All rights reserved